The workplace: The story will capture your attention and keep it until the very last page!
Salma Bennett is a teenager trying to live a normal life. Drama and chaos gets in the way when a man threatens her mother’s life. His violent nature forces Salma into an early work life. There she learns that it is no walk in the park. A specific group really makes it tough on her. Her mother’s health and taking care of her is the only reason she doesn’t just walk out and quit. Salma will find out how tough she really is.
Can she last or will she quit? Things get serious when the horrible people she sees on the day to day, do terrible things to her outside of the Factory. When will it stop? How can this end? Her best friends Donna and Andrea are the only thing keeping her sane. Are they involved too? Her life is on the line when people believe she is in the way of something that she knows nothing about. She may not get to know what a prom feels like. Time is running out! She has no choice. Salma is determined to make sure this madness ends!
All she needs to figure out now is where to begin.